Connector Admin Interface ========================= After having integrated Connector into your website (see chapter :doc:`../integration/index`), you can configure the content that you want to sell, using the Connector Admin Interface. The URL that you use to access Connector Admin Interface depends on the region and environment of your integration. You can find the proper URL(s) in section :ref:`urls_of_connector_admin_interface`. More details about how and why URLs are put together like this are provided in chapter :doc:`../regions-environments-locales`. Connector Admin Interface allows you to set up the following configuration items: * Single Purchases * Time Passes * Subscriptions * Templates Basic Setup ----------- .. _templates: Templates ~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: Templates only apply to :ref:`connector_script_classic`. If you use :ref:`connector_script_for_video_players` or our `AMP integration`_ you don't need templates at all. Templates are optional for :ref:`connector_script_classic` since the introduction of HTML data attributes in major version 3. Read chapter :ref:`connector_script_classic_content_obfuscation` for more details. Connector Script Classic needs to know which part of your website it should hide and what part of your page should be displayed as a blurred excerpt underneath the Purchase Overlay. You can provide this information through a Template or, if you use Connector Script 3, by adding HTML data attributes to the elements of your choice directly in a page's HTML source. Read chapter :ref:`connector_script_classic_content_obfuscation` for more details. This guide describes how to create a template: 1. After logging in to the LaterPay Connector Admin Interface, click on *"Templates"* in the side bar on the left. 2. Click the green ➕ icon next to "Templates" heading. A form to define a new template will appear. .. image:: templates-form.png :alt: Template form 3. Enter a name for your template, e.g. "Article". This will help you identify each of your templates. 4. The *"Content to sell"* value has to be a `CSS selector `__ which exists on your page. It must match one or multiple elements that contain the content you want to sell. 5. If you have :ref:`"Legacy Integration Support" ` turned on you need to specify the *"Title of article"* field. Like the "Content to sell" it expects a CSS selector that will be used by Connector Script to determine the title of the content you want to sell. This option is not necessary and will not appear if the "Legacy Integration Support" is turned off, as Connector Script will derive the content's title from the page's title automatically. 6. *"Content to use as a Preview or Excerpt above Paywall"* is an **optional** CSS selector. If specified, it should match one or more elements that will replace the original content and will be placed behind the blurred background of the purchase dialog. This content can be revealed by users in a browser's "Reader Mode". It is also available to search engines. If not specified or there is no matching element, a "Lorem Ipsum" placeholder text will be used instead. 7. Click the "Save" button to create the template. You will be redirected to a list showing all your templates. From there you can access each template you've previously created and are able to either edit or delete it. Settings -------- .. _legacy-integration: Legacy Integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are currently using Connector Script version 2 this means you are using our Legacy integration. If you are a customer who started using LaterPay before the release of Connector Script 3 you will very likely have this option turned on. If you are a newer customer and you are already using Connector Script 3 this option will be turned off or not even available to you (and if it is, you don't have to worry about it). Once you've migrated to Connector Script 3 you can turn this option off. Make sure you check our :doc:`../migration_guide` for the necessary steps. Payment Options --------------- Now you can define the content you want to sell. As outlined before, there are *"Single Purchases"*, *"Time Passes"*, and *"Subscriptions"*. They have different implications. A **Single Purchase** grants a customer infinite access to a single piece of content and can be sold as "Buy Now, Pay Later" and "Buy Now". A **Time Pass** grants a customer access to a resource for a set amount of time. Time Passes can also be sold as "Buy Now, Pay Later" and "Buy Now". A **Subscription** also grants a customer access for a limited period of time, but it will automatically renew afterwards and the user will be charged again. Therefore, Subscriptions are only available as "Buy Now". .. _match-types: Match Types ~~~~~~~~~~~ When you use the Connector Admin Interface to define the purchase options you want to offer your customers, there are three different ways how Connector will determine which Purchase Options apply to an article, video, or any other piece of content you want to sell. :Entire Site: "Entire Site" matches will show on paywalls across your entire site. When a customer buys this Single Purchase, it will grant access to the user’s current article only. :URL Path: "URL Path" matches work similar to the "Exact URL" matches. But instead of applying to the exact set of paths, Connector will check an article's URL against the prefixes defined in Connector Admin. If you define a prefix on ``/article/``, *every* page underneath ```` will be covered by the match and made available for sale via Connector, assuming Connector Script is running on every page covered by the match. However, an article under ```` will *not* be covered by this match and not be made available for sale. There are two important things to note about URL path matches: 1. Once a customer has purchased something (e.g. the access to ``/article/``), they will have access to *everything* you sell under this path. The same would be true for ``/news/`` or any other match you define. 2. Please note that there is a difference between ``/news/`` and ``/news`` (with and without trailing ``/``). The latter will grant access to e.g. ``/news/worldcup-2018.html``, but it will also grant access to ``/newsroom/intern.html``. In almost all cases you will probably want to include the trailing slash (``/``). "URL Path" matches do not support query strings or fragments / anchors in the path. :Exact URL: "Exact URL" matches require you to provide exact paths that are appended to your domain for the content to show. | If you want to sell an article with the URL | ```` | you will need to define a path such as | ``/article/2018/04/world-cup-opening-2018.html``. Exact URL matches do not support query strings or fragments / anchors in the path. :Article ID: "Article ID" matches allow you to sell content independent of the URL or path they are offered on. This is particularly useful for embedded content, such as videos, or for multi page articles. It does work with regular articles as well. Please check the :doc:`documentation on how to define Article IDs <./inpage_configuration/article_id>`. .. _payment-models: Payment Models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Pay Later: When a customer purchases "Pay Later" content, the item is added to their open invoice and they will be asked to pay once they hit the threshold of 5€ or $5. Pay Later items can be offered between 0.05€ and 5.00€ and between $0.05 and $5.00. :Pay Now: The "Pay Now" payment model will require a customer to pay directly. The item will not be added to any open invoice. Pay Now items can be offered between 1.49€ and 149.99€ and between $1.99 and $149.99. .. _single-purchases: Single Purchases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's walk through the creation of a Single Purchase: 1. After logging in to the LaterPay Connector Admin Interface, click on *"Single Purchases"* in the side bar on the left. 2. Click the green ➕ icon next to *"Single Purchases"* heading. A form to define a new single purchase will appear. 3. Enter a title for your Single Purchase, e.g. "World Cup Opening 2018". The title you enter here is for you to identify this single purchase among all the other single purchases you define (this title will not appear on Connector Script on your site or be visible to your customers). 4. The :ref:`Match Type ` defines how Connector will determine what purchase options to offer for content. .. image:: match-type-sp.png :alt: Match Type for Single Purchases As you have probably noticed, the URL Path match option is not available for Single Purchases. .. warning:: If you select "Exact URL" and enter multiple paths, please note that a user who bought *one* item has access to every other item under this purchase option as well. This is by design to allow for "article stories" that span multiple different URLs. If you define the paths ``/world-cup-opening-2018.html``, ``/world-cup-opening-2018-2.html``, and ``/world-cup-opening-2018-3.html``, a user purchasing the first, will automatically be granted access to the second and third link as well. 5. Next up you define a price and select a :ref:`Payment Model `. Please note that the price needs to be entered in the final currency. To sell something for 1.23€ or $1.23, enter ``1.23``. .. image:: price.png :alt: Price selector 6. Lastly, you can define a :ref:`Template `. This is not required if you e.g. use our `AMP Integration`_ or `Video Player Integration`_. If you stick to Connector Script's default values, you don't need to define a template either. If you click the *"Add new template"* button you will be returned to this page once that process is completed. .. image:: template.png :alt: Template selector 7. Click the "Save" button to create the single purchase. You will be redirected to a list showing all your Single Purchases defined in the Connector Admin Interface. From there you can access each Single Purchase you've previously created and are able to either edit or delete it. Time Passes and Subscriptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The process to define Time Passes and Subscriptions is similar to the one for :ref:`single-purchases`. 1. After logging in to the LaterPay Connector Admin Interface, click on "Time Passes" or "Subscriptions" in the side bar on the left, depending on what you want to define. 2. Click the green ➕ icon next to the heading. A form to define a new time pass or subscription will appear. 3. Enter a title for your sales item, e.g. "One week access" or "Monthly subscription". The title you enter here is what a customer sees in the Connector Script overlay on your website, as well as on their invoice. 4. Similarly, the description allows you to briefly explain the terms that apply. Good examples are "One week access to all our premium content" or "Monthly subscription to all our premium content. Renews automatically." 5. The :ref:`Match Type ` defines how Connector will determine what purchase options to offer for content. .. image:: match-types.png :alt: Match Type selector .. warning:: If you select "Exact URL" and enter multiple paths, please note that a user who bought *one* item has access to every other item on this purchase option as well. This is by design to allow for "article stories" that span multiple different URLs. If you define the paths ``/world-cup-opening-2018.html``, ``/world-cup-opening-2018-2.html``, and ``/world-cup-opening-2018-3.html``, a user purchasing the first, will automatically be granted access to the second and third link as well. 6. Time Passes and Subscriptions have a "Validity Period" during which a customer will have access to purchased content. You can define anything from 1 hour to 1 year. .. image:: validity-period.png :alt: Validity Period selector 7. Next up you define a price and select a :ref:`Payment Model `. Please note that the price needs to be entered in the final currency. To sell something for 1.23€ or $1.23, enter ``1.23``. If you're creating a subscription, please note that you can only choose "Pay Now" as explained above. .. image:: price.png :alt: Price selector 8. Lastly, you can define a :ref:`Template `. This is not required if you e.g. use our `AMP Integration`_ or `Video Player Integration`_. If you stick to Connector Script's default values, you don't need to define a template either. 9. Click the "Save" button to create the Time Pass or Subscription. You will be redirected to a page showing a list of all of those Purchase Options defined in the Connector Admin Interface. From there you can access each one you've previously created as well as edit or delete it. .. _AMP Integration: .. _Video Player Integration: